News ID: 134
Publish Date : 02 August 2017 - 09:24
Khodrocar reports;

The conditions of car import to Iran

It has been three weeks that registration website for car imports is closed and it seems that it is a good way to force foreign carmakers to start the production in Iran.
Khodrocar journalist reports, three weeks ago The Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade closed the car import website for official agencies in order to wipe out the gray market and that way even the official car agencies in Iran can’t register a single car name for importing.

It was announced that the reason for this limitation was the seasonal survey and then the technical problem of the website. But what are these limitations for?

Six months ago, it was mentioned in a draft that was submitted to the Council of Ministers of Iran for approval that, 50 percent of this car imports should be done by the parent companies, exactly the same thing taht Kerman Motor and Hyundai did: Production of several models and the permission for importing all Hyundai models.

Now there is an important question: Is this a good idea to force foreign carmakers to invest in Iran’s car market?

Mehdi Dadfar, Secretary of Iranian Automobile Importers Association told Khodrocar regarding the matter: Such an action would not force the foreign companies to invest in Iran.

He believes that this is not a good solution for attracting foreign investments but today, with this kind of strategy, the only remaining option for foreign companies is to accept the production conditions in Iran.